Bodie / Mono Lake Workshop


Our Bodie and Mono Lake workshop was a great success. We had wonderful skies and special after-hours access to the Bodie ghost town which included going into the old buildings and stamp mill which are normally closed to the public.

The image above was at Mono Lake where large limestone structures, called tufas, stand around the lake as well as in the lake. As Mono Lake’s water level lowered over the years, the tufas became exposed.

The photograph below is in the area of the South Tufas and a little different view than normally seen. There were some very nice, soft grass mounds near the lakeside which contrasted with the hard, sharp tufa structures.


Our after-hours access to Bodie allowed for night sky photography using the abandoned town buildings. The star trail below shows the old town church that still stands. The church windows were lit by a flash. This star trail represents about an hour of time.


In the morning, we had access to the inside of just about any building we wanted to enter. The surviving stamp mill at Bodie is largely intact from its operational days. The picture below shows the machinery that crushed the ore from the mines. They say when these machines were in operation, you had a hard time carrying on a conversation in town due to the noise level.



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